

We believe in keeping it as simple as possible, while using variations of flours, temperature and time to develop flavour profile.


Our breads go through long overnight fermentation period, with a minimum of 18 hours, letting the yeast in the levain do their wonders, and the organic bacterias developing delicious flavors.


The Flour
We use only unbleached high protein flour, with mixes of locally and internationally milled flour.

The Water
We use only filtered water in our breads to hydrate our dough. We believe that you should enjoy healthier water than those filled with chlorine.

The Salt
We use the pink Himalayan salt because of the mild saltiness taste compared to the sharper taste of the normal table salt.

The additional ingredients

We like to add a varieties of flour in our breads for example rye flour, wholemeal, Organic Spelt Flour, Semolinas, and oats to make the flavour profile more interesting and varied. They also contribute to making the breads highly nutritious.

We also add nuts, seeds, dried fruits, halal cheese, breakfast slices and other things to keep it interesting for you.


We bake our breads in our stone oven, at high temperature, which means our bread doughs have good oven spring when baked.

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